
Placement Tests

  1. If you have studied French before joining the Alliance Française, a placement test guarantees that you will start your course at the appropriate French level. You will therefore not lose any of your valuable language training time. Any prospective student, who is not a complete beginner, is required to take a placement test to determine the current French level. (This does not apply to individual lessons.)
  2. Our online or on-site test will assess your reading and writing and grammar skills (60 minutes)
  3. A Zoom or face-to-face interview will assess your listening and speaking skills (10 min)

Placement test days online:

Wednesdays: September 4th, 11th, 18th

Fridays: September: 6th, 13th, 20th

  • Online paper: 14:15 – 15:15
  • Zoom interview:15:30 onwards, as per the personalized email sent to the candidate.

Placement test days on-site:

Saturdays: September 7th, 14th

  • On-site paper: 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
  • Orals: 08:00 a.m. onwards ( oral test timing will be sent via email to the student)

*You will receive your personalized email before 17:30, the day before your test.

Placement test fee: Rs.2,000/-.

Register for a placement test:
Register at least two days before your preferred date.

Placement test fees are non-refundable and non-transferable unless in the case of acceptable medical reasons with proof provided.

A) Register on-site
at Alliance Française, 11, Barnes Place, Colombo 7;

B) Register online

Make payment (Rs.2,000/-) to Alliance Française bank then upload and send the payment confirmation form.

Bank Details
Account Name: M/S Alliance Française de Ceylan
Bank Account no: 076010134895 – (LKR)
Branch: HNB Cinnamon Garden

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